22 Habits of Effective & Happy Women

1. Exercise

Everyone knows that playing sports is good for health and appearance, but few people know that good physical training also has a very positive effect on the level of intelligence.

2. Keeping A Diary

In addition to the fact that it will help you always "keep your hands on the pulse" and control your time, you will increase your efficiency. Keeping a diary improves concentration and attention, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the cognitive abilities of the brain. Start by writing down your goal for the day / week / month or year. Determine what you need to change in yourself and your lifestyle.


3. Don’t Do Everything At Once

Scientists have proven that our brain is not able to perform multiple tasks at the same time. Productivity decreases and fatigue increases. In addition, multitasking contributes to stress and reduces mental abilities. To be more effective, it does not hurt to learn to say "No". And not only to yourself, but also to others, projects and affairs that are not interesting to you.

4. Read More

We have been hearing this advice from our elders since childhood, and not in vain. Reading not only increases the level of any knowledge directly (when reading specialized literature), but also expands horizons, develops our thinking and memory.


5. The Habit of Taking Vitamins

It is very difficult for a resident of a modern metropolis to get everything he needs from food. We do not live on farms, there are few products on our table that have preserved their vitamins in full, and the environment leaves much to be desired. Chances are that your body is missing something very much (the most common among women - a lack of iron and Omega 3, 6 fatty acids).

 One visit to the therapist, blood test and taking prescribed vitamins can really improve your well-being and worldview: help cope with fatigue, stress, improve the condition of the skin and oxygen, improve sleep quality.

6. Eat On Time & Prevent Bouts Of Hunger

"Spinned and forgot to eat" - a familiar situation, right? The problem is that the acute feeling of hunger and fatigue that you feel if you do not eat in time - is a consequence of a biochemical process in your body, which, among other things, disrupts your delicate female hormonal system.


7. Take Regular Breaks

Set yourself an alarm clock, get up from your desk and warm up at least once an hour. First, the brain needs a rest (your productivity in any case falls after 30 minutes of active work), and secondly, long sitting disrupts blood circulation, which results in many unpleasant consequences. The habit of taking breaks of 3-5 minutes every hour will really help you get less tired at work.

8. Eat Slowly

When your attention is focused on something else, you lose the pleasure of eating. 

And secondly, the process of absorption and assimilation of food in this approach is disrupted: the stomach does not have time to produce enough juice. For example, when we are focused on the screen, we do not control food intake, swallow it in large chunks and much faster than during a traditional lunch, so the intestines no longer process food properly.


9. Saying “thank you” & Being Grateful

To God, relatives, friends, enemies - the ability to be grateful even for a difficult experience is a great help to increase the degree of happiness, even if there are no bright events in life.

10. Save Your Weekend

Make vacation one of your priorities and watch how proper recovery after a work week changes your worldview for the better.

11. The Habit of Going Out Into Nature

Outside the city, in the park or just on your balcony. Plant beautiful flowers and put a comfortable country chair - let you have your personal piece of nature in a noisy metropolis.

12. Do Not Postpone the Realization of Dreams for the Future

The most convenient moment is right now. Do not postpone for tomorrow, Monday, spring, vacation what you want to change in your life. Expectation is the main killer of inspiration.

13. Arrange An Informational Detox

Spend the day without social networks, computer, TV and phone. You will be amazed at how much more effective your vacation will be if you limit the amount of unnecessary input.


14. The Habit of Getting Rid of Excess

Extra things, extra people, extra letters - regularly clean your space, your circle of friends, your mailbox, your house, your closet from everything that takes up space and takes up time, which we all have so little.


15. The Habit of Pampering Yourself

Buy yourself flowers, take yourself to delicious cafes, allow yourself to lie in bed. You will see that it will be much easier to perform all the tasks you carry on your shoulders.

16. Do Not Blame Yourself for Failures

Adopt the "tactics of constructive failure" - the ability to gain useful experience from any failure.

17. The Habit of Coping with Stress

It is impossible to avoid stress, but you can learn to stop panic and take matters into your own hands to stop the destruction of nerve cells and help yourself cope faster.


18. The Habit of DREAMING!

Try not to kill your dreams, because dreams are a vector that helps us understand where to go next.

19. Ask Yourself Important Questions Regularly

 Psychological self-check that will help you not to get lost in the routine of everyday life.


20. The Habit of Dealing with Finances

Plan, monitor and be fully aware of what is happening to your money. Clarity in this matter really reduces the amount of unnecessary stress.

21. Plan

For a day, for a week, for a month, for a year. Even if you are not the most organized person, planning will help you not to waste time without talent and to realize your dreams faster.

22. The Habit of Laughing & Being Happy

There is no better remedy for boredom than laughter. Download and watch movies and shows that make you laugh, meet more often with those people with whom you have sore cheeks from laughter, read books and blogs that lift your spirits. It's not difficult, and it definitely works!

Make a choice in favor of what will make you a little happier every time you have the opportunity. Prefer a walk in the park instead of meeting uninteresting people, give up unnecessary work in favor of communication with a loved one if money is not critical for you.


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